cookieOptions = {...}; Heather of the Hills: Party Planner Heather?

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Party Planner Heather?

After a very busy and stressful couple of weeks I was hoping to finally be able to rest. After being in charge of the final stages of our Cub Scout banquet on Friday I wonder if I will be able to do this job by myself next year. I guess that it was good for me to be "in charge" during these past two weeks as it gave me something to focus on instead of our loss. Of course, trying to help plan a wedding for April (the month, not a person!) has been keeping me busy as well. Strange to say, even though I really enjoy the planning and looking for all the little things to make it all come together, I am so nervous about how everything will turn out and if everyone liked my ideas and work in the end. The same goes for Friday night. I felt prepared to go and set up, but when I got there realized that the centerpieces for the tables were not going to be enough. We had such a wonderful turn out that we were going to need more tables than I originally planned. I had planned for 10-12 tables to decorate and had fifteen instead! On the one hand that was very exciting to see that so many people were going to be there, but as the one in charge who had not gotten the extra things I then found I needed was terrifying! I was so glad to have some wonderful friends to pitch in and help out. The people that I am working with in scouts are some of the best people I know. They never once made a comment about my underplanning or once complained about having to help. How can you not thank God for the wonderful people he places in our lives to help and encourage us?

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