cookieOptions = {...}; Heather of the Hills: 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Seasons of Change

So many things have been happening in our household it is hard to keep up with it all. Little Bear started Kindergarten this fall. Butch started his senior year of high school. We also just recently made the decision to move. This was not our typical move around town. No, this was a big move that takes us far, far away from our family and friends. Sadly this move also took us away for the two eldest boys. We are now living in the state of Vermont. Thankfully we have found a wonderful church here and we are meeting lots of great people there. Being homesick is never fun, but sometimes change will be good. I am praying that despite missing family that our move will prove to be beneficial to our family!

Monday, April 04, 2016

Snow Days

We did have a few snow days this year. It was late Jan before we had the first one. Here are a few shots:

Jan 20,2016

Jan 20,2016

Jan 20,2016

Feb 12, 2016

Saturday, April 02, 2016

After Thanksgiving Day Hike

So we did an after Thanksgiving day hike on Saturday with the Grands. We went on the Old Sugarlands Trail up to the Stone House and then we ate lunch by the stream.

Thanksgiving Hike

So we did Thanksgiving a little differently in 2015. We decided to gather on Friday for our Francis Thanksgiving meal. So that meant no pre-Thanksgiving soup night and our after Thanksgiving hike was on Saturday. Since we were not gathering on Thanksgiving day we decided to go hiking as a family (turns out the Grands went hiking, too). Joe to us to the Devils Racetrack. Unfortunately we did not have the backpack carrier for Fox and this was not as easy of a hike as we were lead to believe, but it was still a good time. So first I will share our Thanksgiving day hike.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Zoo field trip

So in October 2015 we went on a field trip for Otter's school. It was a trip to the Chattanooga Zoo. I first have to say that despite the small size of the zoo it is a cramp-packed and well-maintained zoo! I was very impressed! 

We got to meet one of Otter's new teachers, Mrs Bible

Bear, Grandmama, Fox and Otter

Fox looking at the jaguars

Otter was so excited to see one of her favorite animals (Fennec Fox)

Snakes and frogs together

Grandmama took Otter and Bear to the petting area

A little snack

A first camel ride for Otter and Bear

Fox decided he wanted to ride, too, so he 
and I also had our first camel ride

Waynesville Trip Part 2

I have been remiss in posting the flora, fauna and fungus from our Waynesville trip. So without further ado here they are: