cookieOptions = {...}; Heather of the Hills: Giving in to the Temptation

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Giving in to the Temptation

Several people I know are now bloggers. They read the blogs of all the people they know, link their blogs to each other, then they look for more blogs from the other people they know. Naturally the question comes from many as to when I will have my own. Well, I guess I will attempt to amuse those who venture here with the nonsensical ramblings of a stay at home mother. Please peruse at your own risk!


Wesley Son of Cornelius said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!

BJ not BK said...

Welcome Heather! We have been waiting for you for a long time. Now we can all rule the galaxy together! Ha ha ha ha.

Wesley Son of Cornelius said...

Hair, here! Just wanted to quote Webster:

peruse: [fr. L per- thoroughly + ME usen to use]
1a: to examine or consider with attention and it detail: STUDY
1b: to look over or through in a casual or cursory manner
2: READ, esp. to read over in an attentive or leisurely manner

I want to thank Emily for bringing our attention to definition 1a (which I did not realize peruse could mean); however ... :-D

The Giggleman said...

Blogging is not a sin, me dear friend, but a way of entertainment, or at least in my case it is. Therefore, "Giving in to the Temptation" is an inappropriate title and should be changed immediately. Also, due to the influence of Ecclesiastes, the meaning of peruse is meaningless. Hahahahaha! The Giggleman is just joking. You're probably tired of this, but welcome to this place of entertainment. Until next time...The Giggleman