cookieOptions = {...}; Heather of the Hills: Another Tale From The Pumpkin Patch

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Another Tale From The Pumpkin Patch

At the trip to the corn maze there was a funny event that I forgot to add to my earlier post. So here it goes...

Before we entered the corn maze one of the leaders went over the short list of rules that the owners have for the maze. Well, we made it 7/8ths of the way through the maze before trouble struck. Being near the back of our group I was slightly farther from the happenings, but I did see parts. The boys were in the lead and at the moment we were stopped at the last point (there were 12 points where you punched holes in your cards and also found the trivia questions). As the boys waited on the slower adults in the group they started playing around the corner. That is when it happened! I saw a corn cob go flying by the others in front. Of course the male leader with us immediately called the boys down reminding them that throwing corn was one of the rules. He then made the comment that it should not be that hard for them to remember as there were only 5. Never underestimate a eight year old boy! One of the other boys that was standing with the other adults stated, "Actually, there are 6 rules!" His mother was horrified and put her head in her hand while shaking said head. I tried to help her by saying that if it had not been her's I was sure mine would have said the same thing!

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