cookieOptions = {...}; Heather of the Hills: The Zoo

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Zoo

The boys and I went to the K-town Zoo last week to buy season passes for the three of us. Since they were out for spring break we could spend most of the day hanging out with all the animals. One son just wanted to see the penguins. The other wanted to see the snakes. Of course, the biggest attraction for both was the exhibit of the mole rats (naturally naked mole rats!). They had seen the billboards around town and asked to go to see them. Our younger son will be going to the zoo again next week with his class, so the elder wanted to go see them as well. It was a great excuse to get them out somewhere so we could walk around for a while. When we got to the mole rat exhibit, we learned that there were new babies born on the 5th of April. If you saw them they were very small, only about 1”-1 ½” long. There were several “rooms” that were connected with the long pipes. There were three different “rooms”: nursery/nesting, food, and bathroom/trash. They also had several other animals there that were relatives of the mole rats. We had a good day together and got to see lots of animals. I look forward to going back more this year!

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